SAL update

Hello! Back for another sal update, twelve more days to go of new starts. It's been fun. I'm also cheating at stitching on a start into the next day! I love everything I picked for my sal. Here's the next bunch of new starts..

A LHN design that I had kitted for awhile also one that I've stitched for a second day. Another mystery piece of linen, it's perfect for that wintery design. Lots of gray splotches on it.

Next is..
By Luminous Fiber Arts. I have just that row of stitches so far. It's such a beautiful design, stitched with GAST Cranberry. 

My very first HATS design. I'll eventually stitch all 4 ornaments. I'm using 36ct winter moon, not sure by whom. And DMCs. The one I'm stitching is over at the right with the blue dress.

Next is..
This one is called Peek a Boo by Val's Stuff, a Halloween design. I've misplaced the chart but have my master copy. It'll be cute. It has 2 cats peeking from either side with a pumpkin peeking up from the bottom, you can just see his eyes. I think I'll put a few stitches in today's new start and pick Peek a Boo back up. It's small, I feel like the fabric I'm using might be a high count.

Red House by Sheepish Designs. I felt like there should've been a big preview party with paparazzi! I've been gathering the floss for this since last year! You know the ladies at GAST had to shut down because of covid. I haven't been able to find Brethren Blue which is the electric blue you see for the letters and a few flowers. I thought maybe it's been discontinued, hope not. So I have to think of another floss that is about the same shade. Wish me luck!

Today's new start is this..
Make Good Cheer by Ewe and Me and Friends. It's not very big, 99x99 stitches. I'm using 36ct Legacy Edinburgh by PTP and DMC.

I also stashed a little..
On the left is Goodness Grapecious. Lots of purple in it which is a favorite color of mine. In the right is that cutie by Verbena. She has an Etsy shop. I was just looking around on Etsy and this popped up! Had to have it. Just $3.00 PDF, woohoo!

So that's it stitching-wise. Covid-wise, it has touched my family; my brother. He is pretty sick. He's dealing with the loss of energy, and taste, his fevers are running at near 100. He's taking Tylenol and taking cold showers. He's getting cabin fever though! Stuck at home for 8 days, I'm hoping he has peaked and headed into the down slope. He lives in Phoenix so I'm safe. Please send good thoughts his way. My daughter and her other half have been exposed to boyfriend's sister who tested positive just this morning. It is getting weary tryin to stay healthy! So if you could, send good thoughts our way, we could sure use them. I remain safe but it's hard.

Alright, I'm finished. I've sent Carol's winnings to her, she should get them Tuesday. I'm going into my 3rd week of this SAL and hoping I'll last, haha!

Please stay safe everyone! See you next time.


  1. Your Birthday SAL is so fun to follow!

  2. Lots of lovely projects for your B'day SAL. Keeping your family in our prayers.

  3. Another assortment of lovely starts! Praying for your brother's return to good health along with praying for your daughter and her other half to remain healthy. Be well and be safe!

  4. Great work on your Starts Marathon! I missed those HATS Christmas Ornaments, they are very sweet.

  5. You're still going strong with your new starts, Shelly--congratulations! I'm so sorry to read about your brother getting Covid. It is striking more and more of us, I'm afraid... Will definitely keep him in my thoughts and prayers. You take extra good care now!


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