WIP parade!

Hello! The parade continues. I did start my stitchmaynia piece yesterday and here it is..

This is Kringle by LHN, on a huge piece of 30ct Parisian Gray linen by Access Commodities. It's a coarse-feeling linen that'll hold up well with this big design that is 193w x 232h. The whitish color is snow and the brown is roof. What I have stitched is half of the building! I plan to stitch on Kringles for 15 or 16 days and then switch to the Halloween stitch that I mentioned last post.

Parade time!
A nice Christmas/Winter scene, the designer is on Etsy. I decided to leave off the border but I'm not sure about the date. I may leave it off too.

Aww, it's my cowboy by Ink Circles, Beau Leggy in the Desert. There's a cactus bush underneath his legs that needs to be stitched and that's it! He's nearly done.

Litha by the Primitive Hare. Yep, that is all I have stitched! I still like this pattern so I'll keep it.

This is Midnight Manor by Waxing Moon. I want to start stitching on this again. Soon.

From The Sampler Girl. A nice Halloween design that would be awesome as a cube.

Christmas Garden by BBD. New year's day picture that looks no different! Haha. Another WIP that deserves to be worked on.

And the last WIP for this sunday's parade is Frosty Forest by CCN. Just 4 more blocks to do!

Come on retirement!! That is when I can stitch to my heart's content. I have 7 more years to go. No telling what will happen by then. I may win the lottery or marry old money, haha! 

That's it for this week's parade. I'm starting to get into WIPs from my bday SAL but I'll show them again.

Jo, I think I'll join you on your longest day of the year WIP challenge. I believe that is Summer Solstice? I'll have to look up what day that is. If it's on a weekend, it's all good. If not, I'll do what I can. Pulling all these WIPs from their hiding places makes me want to work on them. Thanks Jo!

Stay safe and healthy everyone!


  1. Looking good! You have an ambitious year of stitching for 2021.

  2. Nice new start! I'm doing my Just Nan-a-thon again this year. A different JN small each evening.
    It would be great to have you join the marathon. The longest day is a Monday but you can Marathon the day before. I often move the event around to suit work. Last year it took two days because my son was off school due to the lockdown.

  3. Lots of great WIPs, Shelly! It's funny, but now that I've retired, I seem to stitch less than I did before when I worked. I tend to procrastinate now whereas before I kept more to a schedule. Anyway, I'm hoping your years 'til retirement fly by! Enjoy your week ♥


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