A freebie of a month!

Hello! How is everyone post-Thanksgiving? My daughter, her boyfriend, and I did Thanksgiving at a local restaurant and it was fine. There were lots off other people doing the same thing! It is weird to not have leftovers though. Sometime in December I will roast a turkey breast.

So I have some finishes and progress to show on this second to last day of November. Let's go!

Last post, I mentioned stitching some ornaments. Well, I managed to stitch two! Here they are..

On the left is an untitled freebie pear from Marni (spelling?) at Santa's and Samplers at her blog. I have a printout of the design and I wasn't sure if it was a holiday design or not. What the heck, I'll stitch it and see how it looks. There's the red of the flower buds and green of the flower. Christmas colors! Works for me! I may make it an ornament in a pear shape. On the right is Sampler Winter, a freebie found at makestuff-behappy.blogspot.com. I didn't center this very good so I had to leave off a scarf for the snowman at bottom. The stitched hanging stars are done with a sparkly DMC floss but it's not showing up well. My new start is a Christmas freebie also..
From La Comtesse @Le Point deCroix, here's how the pattern looks..
I'm using DMC 221 on lambswool lugana. It'll turn into a WIP at midnight Monday.

The 3 designs are all found either in my pdf file on my iPad, or in pictures on my iPad, or freebie printouts in a file. If you're anything like me, I have charts everywhere! Hard copy charts, PDFs, and screenprints of freebies. It's a good feeling to either hit delete or ball up a freebie printout and throw it in the trash! Sometime, I'll dedicate a month to stitching every PDF that is on my iPad! Wish me luck!

I have a finish. I'm not sure I showed this here though. Here it is..
My cellphone doesn't take the best of pics! Christmas Promise, a freebie by Heartstring Samplery. On 36ct Alabaster by R&R, a perfect size. DMC used. As I said before, I kept the British spelling of honour. US spelling would be honor. It just wouldn't look right!

For December stitching, here's what I'm pulling out..
Christmas Garden. Poor neglected gal! The entire month I'll be stitching on her. By the end of the month, I hope to have it three quarters of the way done.

Now onto the fun part...a Giveaway!! On the 21st of December is my 10th year of blogging. It's been a lot of fun and I feel like I can call a lot of you a friend. It's been a horrible year, the transmission went out on my daughter's vehicle (costing $2 grand so far), my layoff, and covid. Let's have some fun! Because I can no longer post on my original blog, all of you who do make it here will have better odds of winning! Unfortunately, I cannot ship overseas. Contest is open to followers who follow the original blog and from Bloglovin'. The 15th at 9pm Arizona time is the deadline.  Questions for you to answer are-do you stitch on Aida or linen, and who are your favorite designers. Answers in your comment. This giveaway is based on Oprah's Favorite Things, 10 of them! The grand winner will win 10 items and at least one of those items will have 10 of its own. I've come up with 8 so far and they are chart, fabric, my favorite project bag, my favorite needleminder, 10 various floss favorites of mine, my favorite needle, my favorite ornament that I stitched and FFO'd, my favorite threadkeep. I will figure out the last two! There will be a few consolation prizes too since I kind of overbought! I will hold that drawing for the consolation items at midnight New Year's eve just to make you all stay up with me! Hehe.

Please play! Let's end the year on a fun note.

And that's all she wrote! I'm coming off a 4 day weekend and it's back to work tomorrow. We had some bad news a week ago..the owners of where I work were tested positive for covid. Yep, we all now wear masks the entire day and use hand sanitizer liberally. We have this whole week and a day to go before we can take off the masks. The owners are healthy and in their late 40s and are doing well. Their son is also covid positive. I feel like covid has now landed on my doorstep. Keep us all in your thoughts.

Please stay safe and healthy! 


  1. So sorry to hear there is COVID at work. That must be very difficult.

    I couldn't pick a single favorite designer. I love HATS, Brenda Gervais, Chessie & Me and Plum Street Samplers. I've been thinking about what Christmas ornaments to stitch for next year. I need to get the figured out and supplies gathered.

  2. What a fun post to read... lots of cool things to see! It must be difficult to wear a mask all day. Glad it wasn't worse for your co-workers and their son. Take care!

  3. I do like all designers, it would be hard for me to pick just one but Blackbird Designs is one I go to often. I hate having to wear a mask, but soon this mess will be over hopefully.
    Your design choices are beautiful.
    have a safe and great day


  4. Your ornaments look so cute, Shelly. I do love stitching ornaments (I guess you could have guessed that after all these years, right?). It will be lovely to see your December progress on Christmas Garden--I've always admired that design. And I pulled the Heartstring Sampler piece to stitch for an ornament this year, but other things won out--maybe next year. I do love yours and the fact that you kept the British spelling of honour :)

    Gosh, I'm sorry to read about Covid invading your workplace. It is harder and harder to find someone who hasn't been personally affected by it. Take good care!

    Sounds like a great way to end the year... I am a linen stitcher who loves With Thy Needle and Thread designs and, of course, Prairie Schooler. Thanks for the chance, Shelly and I do hope you are staying well. ♥


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