A finish, an FFO, and more

Hi all! Thanks again for following me to this new location.

I have a new start, a finish and an FFO, so let's go. First I thought I would respond to a few comments:

Kay, I hope your son is recovering well. It's such a scary thing!

Jo, with your skills I'm sure that your envelope with parts of Halloween Town on it is just gorgeous!

Old Dame Holly Rose, unfortunately there is no follow button here but please follow on my old blog. I still use it to announce new posts here.

Alright! A new start..Town of Halloween..

I coffee dyed my fabric but it's still not dyed enough. After I'm finished, I'll dip it some more! I'm enjoying this one, even with all the black.

And surprise surprise, I have an FFO!
Fall Owl by Casey Buonaugurio, in the 2011 Sept/Oct JCS issue. I stitched this last year I think. I left off the year that was on either side of the owl. The backing is a dark orange wool. I had a few others to FFO but this was it for today.

I also finished Ghost..
The white is GAST Picket Fence. I just need to find a cube to mount this on.

Well went a little crazy acquiring stash!
Christmas ornaments. They are gorgeous!
I bought all this throughout July and August and just barely received it all just last week. It was a painful wait but now that it's all here, I can't wait to start the Gathering Berries piece. It's a beauty!

Next time I'll show the other stash I bought.

It's finally cooled down a little here. Today the temp is 80 and not the 88 or 89 that it seemed to be for a long time. We are still seeing smoke from the west coast but not as bad.

That's it folks! I hope you're all keeping healthy and safe. I don't think this covid is going anytime soon.

Take care!


  1. Super post to read this morning! Lovely stash additions, cute finishes and a good start on a new project. Have a good week!

  2. Love that little owl finish! Enjoy your new stitchy haul. - Carolyn

  3. Thanks Robin and Carolyn! I'm glad you came by. I tried to post on the old blog but my iPad will no longer support blogger! I have to download Chrome and my iPad just won't! Crazy. After all, it's 2020!

  4. The little owl is my favorite! Looks like you got some pretty new projects to keep you busy for awhile.

  5. Finally I'm back to reading blogs and see that you have moved!
    Your Town is off to a great start and I love your little ghost. The owl is just precious, what a cute finish.
    It looks like you have some lovely new stash pieces, that should keep you busy!

  6. Thanks ladies! Astrid, glad you're back to reading blogs. Makes me happy to see you all making your way here.

  7. Just returned from CA and visiting my baby grandson so I'm finally able to sit down and catch up on my favorite blogs, Shelly! Your owl is darling! And what nice stash--it really is frustrating to wait so long for our purchases to arrive. I know a lot of places sell pdf's, but I still like having a nicely printed hardcopy in my hand. Anyway--enjoy your weekend! Hope it includes some stitching time ♥

    1. Hi Carol. Aww, how nice to see your grandson! Grandma Carol! I like the hard copies too but I'm not averse to pdf's. Have a great week!


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